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The Report Card: Week 6

The Report Card • Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Welcome back to The Report Card, Strong Schools Maryland’s 2023 Session Newsletter.

We just had a blast at Blueprint Day '23. Were you there? Share your pictures on social media with hashtag #blueprintday23 and be sure to tag Strong Schools Maryland (facebook: @strongschoolsmaryland, instagram + twitter: @strongschoolsmd)


Del. Adrienne Jones, Speaker of the House

This week, as part of our Black History Month-centered Spotlights, we're lifting up Dr. Alvin Thornton, the education architect behind the Commission on Education Finance, Equity, and Excellence, a late 20th-century forerunner to the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.

Dr. Thornton was our keynote speaker on Monday for Blueprint Day, and, to a cheering crowd of more than 200 education advocates, insisted that lawmakers and people in power stand firm against divesting from public education.

✅ This week, Strong Schools Maryland will be supporting Senator Nancy King & Delegate Jared Solomon's SB350 & HB495, with the goal of funding Childcare scholarships. This bill will further strengthen childcare funding in Maryland, and limit the circumstances that would otherwise freeze or defer funding. The hearings will be held today in the House and Senate, at 1:00pm

❌ We'll also be providing written and oral testimony against Delegate Kathy Szeliga's HB359, a transphobic bill which would restrict student athletes based on their gender (comms note: this is not the official name of the bill, but it is extraordinarily important that we plainly name bigotry when and where we see it). This bill would compel schools to discriminate against student athletes based on an athlete's gender identity. That hearing is also being held today at 1:00pm


🥳 Upcoming Events

  • FEB 20 @ 10AM and 4PM: Hop on zoom with our Local Organizer, Maya, to prepare testimony for upcoming bill hearings. She'll provide guidance and talking points for Team Leaders and Team Members who want to testify in front of the General Assembly. RSVP

🪧 Start or Join a Team of 10

In 2020, people like you stood up, spoke out, and passed the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.

In 2023, we want you to help us make sure that Maryland keeps our promise: Sign up here to start or join a Team of 10 in your county – we're going to need all the help we can get.

That's it for Week 6, join us again next Wednesday (in your inboxes) for the next installment of The Report Card!

Please forward this to a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who wants to get the latest on the Blueprint in their weekly emails.

For the Future, Strong Schools Maryland

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