The Blueprint for Maryland's Future (House Bill 1300) became law in the 2021 state legislative session, overriding Governor Hogan's veto of the law after its initial historic passage in the final hours of the shortened 2020 state legislative session. Based largely on the recommendations of the Commission on Innovation on Innovation and Excellence in Education (the Kirwan Commission), the Blueprint offers us just that: a blueprint for a world-class system of public education for all students in Maryland.
It is now up to us to work with state and local partners to co-create our vision for what our schools and communities will look like by the end of the Blueprint's generation-long implementation period and hold them accountable to equitable, faithful implementation efforts to make that vision reality. Current and future generations of young people--our collective future--depend on the choices we make now.

Explore the 5 pillars
The five pillars of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future work together to create : a World Class Education.
Click an icon below to learn more.
Early Childhood Education
More Resources for All Students to Succeed
High-Quality & Diverse Teachers
& School Leaders
Governance & Accountability
New College & Career
Readiness Pathways
You're a Pillar Too!
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Early Childhood Education
The foundation of a world-class education in Maryland under The Blueprint for Maryland's Future for education will require early support and interventions for young children and their families, including coordinated services for children and families with the greatest need through centers located in their communities; and expanding access to high-quality, full-day prekindergarten programs for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds through a mixed delivery system.
High-Quality & Diverse Teachers & School Leaders
The foundation of a world-class education in Maryland under The Blueprint for Maryland's Future for education will require high-quality, racially diverse teachers and school leaders in every school; elevation of the teaching profession with career ladders that allow the advancement of teachers and principals based on knowledge, skills, performance, and responsibilities; rigorous preparation, state exit, and certification standards that require demonstration of competencies to successfully teach all students, regardless of their backgrounds.

New College & Career Readiness Pathways
The foundation of a world-class education in Maryland under The Blueprint for Maryland's Future for education will require an instructional system that is benchmarked to world-class standards and fully aligned from prekindergarten through 12th grade to a college and career readiness standard, highly competitive college preparatory programs; credit-bearing early college programs, career and technical education programs with opportunities for science-based agriculture education, and pathways for students who do not achieve the college and career readiness standard by the end of 10th grade.
More Resources So All Students Can Succeed
The foundation of a world-class education system in Maryland under The Blueprint for Maryland's Future for education will require a system designed to meet the needs of all students so they can be successful, including additional supports and services for students who need them to stay on track for college and career readiness; equitable learning outcomes regardless of a student's family income, race, ethnicity, disability, or other characteristics; and additional resources for children, families, and school communities in Maryland who are living and learning with complex, systemically-enforced needs, including high poverty rates, high crime rates, and lack of access to adequate health care and social services, with resources provided at the school level and in the community.

Governance & AccountabilitY
The foundation of a world-class education in Maryland under The Blueprint for Maryland's Future for education will require funding that is sufficient to enable students to achieve the State's performance standards and is distributed equitably to school systems and schools across the State; a strong system of accountability with the authority to hold all of the entities that are an integral part of the education system accountable for implementing The Blueprint for Maryland's Future and ensuring that funds are being spent effectively consistent with the policy framework to ensure that all students are successful.