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The Report Card: Week 7

Writer's picture: Strong Schools MarylandStrong Schools Maryland

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

The Report Card • Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Welcome back to The Report Card, Strong Schools Maryland’s 2023 Session Newsletter.

Session is really starting to heat up, and we're proud to already have victories for Maryland students as HB 359 received and unfavorable report from the Ways & Means Committee.

And, in case you missed it, here's a Washington Post report of Maryland's updated student poverty numbers –– which should serve as a sobering reminder of why it is so critical that we keep the pressure on our state leaders to #KeepThePromise!


Del. Adrienne Jones, Speaker of the House

This week, as we continue our Black History Month-centered lawmaker Spotlights, we're highlighting Delegate Nick Charles (Dist. 25, Prince George's County) and Delegate Stephanie Smith (Dist. 45, Baltimore City), chairs of the Prince George's County and Baltimore City delegations, respectively.

In 2022, when Governor Hogan withheld school funding from the Blackest districts in Maryland, Delegates Charles and Smith stepped up to provide fierce, honest criticism of Hogan's decision; advocacy which compelled the governor to concede and fund Baltimore City and P.G. County schools.

✅ This week, Strong Schools Maryland will be providing testimony supporting HB 546/SB 551, the SERVE Act, Governor Moore's bill to establish a "Service Year" program in Maryland. HB 546 is being heard today, February 22, at 1:00pm

We're also providing testimony to support HB 568, HB576, HB 628, HB 770, and SB 559. These bills deal with issues including bullying, school meals, and universal pre-k funding. They are all being heard today, February 22, at 1:00pm

❌ We'll also be providing testimony against Delegate Jefferson Ghrist's HB 740, a bill which seeks to reconfigure AIB membership based on geography. It seems an appropriate time to remind you, dear reader, that the AIB is currently taking applications to fill a vacancy on the Board. The deadline to submit your application is February 24th at 8:00pm (that's this Friday!). The hearing for HB 740 is being held (you guessed it!) today at 1:00pm

☑️ Finally, we will be providing testimony to support (with amendments) SB 814, Senator Alonzo Washington's Promise School bill, which will identify and support low performing Community Schools. That hearing will be on Friday, February 24 at 1:00pm.


🥳 Upcoming Events

  • FEB 27 @ 10AM and 4PM: Hop on zoom with our Local Organizer, Maya, to prepare testimony for upcoming bill hearings. She'll provide guidance and talking points for Team Leaders and Team Members who want to testify in front of the General Assembly. RSVP

🪧 Start or Join a Team of 10

In 2020, people like you stood up, spoke out, and passed the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.

In 2023, we want you to help us make sure that Maryland keeps our promise: Sign up here to start or join a Team of 10 in your county – we're going to need all the help we can get.

That's it for Week 7, join us again next Wednesday (in your inboxes) for the next installment of The Report Card!

Please forward this to a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who wants to get the latest on the Blueprint in their weekly emails.

For the Future, Strong Schools Maryland

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