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The Worksheet: August 2022

THE WORKSHEET The Strong Schools Newsletter


Welcome back to The Worksheet, Strong Schools Maryland's monthly newsletter.

It's almost September, and as summer winds down, we've got our eye on reports that are due this Thursday, September 1st.

If you haven't read it yet, take a look at this piece from August 3rd in The Baltimore Sun about the steps that Morgan State University is taking to eliminate educational disparities in Baltimore.

pull quote from linked article with text starting at "this moment" and ending with "Baltimore is parmount."


As students and educators across the state head back to school, Strong Schools Maryland and our Teams of 10 are working hard to help you better understand how (and how faithfully) the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is being implemented in your district.


🔎 AIB (Accountability & Implementation Board) Updates

The Blueprint AIB website is up just in time for the 9th Grade Tracker Tool Reports which are due on September 1, 2022.

The 9th Grade Tracker Tool was created as part of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future with the understanding that it will allow school districts to more thoroughly understand the progress of high school students in earning the necessary credits for on-time graduation, and will help paint a better picture of the needs of students entering high school, at the individual school and district-wide level (🐤click to tweet this).

🎓 MSDE (Maryland State Depatrment of Education) Updates

This month the Maryland State Department of Education met to discuss Career and Technical Training programs and apprenticeships, COVID-19 protocols, and students attending alternative schools. The full agenda including the documents referenced throughout the meeting can be found here. Information on all MSDE meetings can be found here. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday September 27 at 9 am.

The Maryland State Board of Education welcomed Merin Thomas, Wicomico Public School student, to the board. Merin stated that as a student member, “Ensuring that students from each county feel seen and heard would be one of the priorities I choose to accomplish.” Learn more about Merin here.

(P.S. The MSDE Strategic Planning Survey is still ongoing. Fill it out if you haven't yet.)

Image with text "Join a TEam of 10"


Maya Bond

Maya Bond is the new Local Organizer for Strong Schools Maryland, joining the team in August of 2022. Her passion for education has been deeply influenced by her family – she has advocated and organized alongside her mother (a Special Education Teacher) and brother for better resources for Special Education students and their families.

Maya wants to meet you, and help you start a Team of 10 in your district. Click here to set up a 1-on-1 with Maya (via Calendly), or reach her via email at

(📣 And Team Leaders, don't forget: next week is our Team Leaders Monthly Call. Click here to register.)

Did you know that the Tour For Maryland's Future is still going strong? We'd love to speak with people in your community, sign up to host a presentation by filling out this form. Just provide us with a space and 10 or more of your friends and neighbors, and we'll be happy to take care of the rest.

That's it for this month's edition of THE WORKSHEET, but stay engaged, and keep an eye out for those reports which should be rolling in any minute now. There are so many ways to get involved, and we'd love for you to be a part of our team(s).

For the Future,

Strong Schools Maryland

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