Mandated Reports for the Blueprint for Maryland's Future
The reports linked below are hosted by the Maryland Department of Legislative Services, which manages the publication of reports mandated in the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.
This page will be updated as reports are publicized.
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Interim Report on Neighborhood Indicators of Poverty
Interim report to MGA on progress analyzing neighborhood indicators of poverty, FY for which Medicaid data can be used under Direct Cert and counted in comp ed program eligibility, and plan for developing and using state alt income form to determine eligibility for comp ed program. GET IT HERE.
Pre-Kindergarten Implementation Planning
Report on administration of pre K strategy (5 requirements) to AIB. GET IT HERE.
Local Fiscal Impact of Implementing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future
Report on Blueprint impact on locals & future capacity due to President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Delegates. GET IT HERE.
County Reports
PLEASE NOTE: Only underlined county names have submitted a report thus far; click on your county to download and view the report (if available). Don't see your local school system's report? This may be due to a variety of factors, so don't assume the worst! Check the full Carry Over Report above for your local report.
Allegany County
Anne Arundel County
Baltimore County
Baltimore City
Calvert County
Caroline County
Carroll County
Charles County
Dorchester County
Frederick County
Garrett County
Harford County
Howard County
Kent County
Montgomery County
Prince George's County
Queen Anne's County
Somerset County
Talbot County
Wicomico County
Worcester County
Local School System Blueprint Fund Carry Over Reports
Due July 1, 2021 and September 1, 2021
House Bill 1372 of the 2021 state legislative session (the Blueprint 2.0) gave local school systems permission to retain funds that were supposed to be spent in fiscal year 2021 but were not due to circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The law also required local school systems to submit reports detailing their plans to spend those retained funds in fiscal year 2022.
The law further requires boards of education (inclusive of Baltimore City's Board of School Commissioners) to submit plans for spending new fiscal year 2022 Blueprint funds, including but not limited to the plans described in the Individual Local School System Reports on Addressing Student Trauma and Behavioral Health Concerns below.
Due to delays in appointing and funding the Blueprint's Accountability and Implementation Board, these reports were unable to be submitted to the AIB. Superintendent Choudhury took the initiative to have the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) compile and submit reports from all 24 school boards, then submit that report to the Department of Legislative Services directly. The full report is more comprehensive and may include duplicated instances of the individual school system reports available below.
Report from MSDE
Individual Local School System Reports on Addressing Student Trauma and Behavioral Health Concerns
Due September 1, 2021
House Bill 1372 of the 2021 state legislative session (the Blueprint 2.0) required local school systems to submit reports detailing how they used (fiscal year 2021) and plan to use (fiscal year 2022) state Blueprint and federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to provide supports and services that address trauma and behavioral health concerns for students and their families that were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. By submitting these reports, local school systems are being transparent and accountable, while complying with a legal requirement in order for them to receive funds in fiscal year 2022, which ends June 30, 2022.
As you review the reports below, keep in mind that local school systems' reports must explain how they will provide behavioral health services to students; ensure that services provided to students address COVID-exacerbated trauma and behavioral health concerns; and monitor students experiencing more trauma and behavioral health issues than their peers; and develop key metrics and procedures to evaluate how effective and impactful the services provided actually are.
Reports By Local School System
Baltimore City
Baltimore Co.
Prince George's
St. Mary's
Don't see your local school system's report? This may be due to a variety of factors, so don't assume the worst! Check the full Carry Over Report above for your local report.