The Report Card • Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Welcome to Week 11 of The Report Card, Strong Schools Maryland’s 2023 Session Newsletter.
Last week we learned that Senate President Bill Ferguson wants to use public dollars to fund private schools –– saying in a video shared by MPT that he expected the Budget & Taxation Committee to add money to Governor Wes Moore's budget for private school vouchers.
Public money is for the Public good. Take action by clicking here to tell your state senator and Senate President Ferguson that you don't want public money to be spent on enriching private schools.
Already taken action? Tweet about it here.
This week, we're shining our legislator spotlight on Senator Katie Fry Hester and Delegate Bonnie Cullison.
Senator Katie Fry Hester (Dist. 9), joined the Maryland Senate in 2019, and was named the deputy majority whip this year. She has been a supporter of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future since being elected, and is a member of the Education, Energy and the Environment Committee. Senator Hester represents constituents in Howard County and Montgomery County.
Delegate Bonnie Cullison (Dist. 19) serves as the chair of the Montgomery County Delegation's Education Committee, and has been a tested and true supporter of public education. We're telling you about Del. Cullison this week, because last week she showed grace, patience, and a willingness to fight for Marylanders when she debated against opponents of HB 283, the Trans Health Equity Act. Delegate Cullison represents Montgomery County.
✅ Crossover was this week, and one of many bills we've supported will be heard later on today in the Senate. Delegate Ebersole's HB 185 will ensure that corporal punishment (hitting students) is prohibited in nonpublic schools and child care providers throughout the state (the practice is already prohibited in public schools in Maryland). The senate hearing is today March 22nd, at 1:00pm
📅 Drop-In Opportunities
MAR 27 @ 10AM and 4PM: Hop on zoom with our Local Organizer, Maya, to prepare testimony for upcoming bill hearings. She'll provide guidance and talking points for Team Leaders and Team Members who want to testify in front of the General Assembly. RSVP
APR 1 @ 10AM: Take a deep dive into the Blueprint with our Blueprint Certified Advocate Training. REGISTER HERE
🥳 Upcoming Events
Outcome Measures Workshop – Workshop and provide feedback on outcomes and measurement of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. RSVP as soon as possible on Eventbrite. Here are the dates of each workshop and what they will focus on:
If you can't make it to the workshops or just have a lot to say on how the Blueprint is measured, you can also provide feedback here:
AIB Meetings – The Outcome Measures Workgroup will meet on Monday, March 27 at 3:00pm. Tune in to the Youtube stream here.
🪧 Start or Join a Team of 10
In 2020, people like you stood up, spoke out, and passed the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.
In 2023, we want you to help us make sure that Maryland lawmakers #KeepThePromise of World Class Schools: Sign up here to start or join a Team of 10 in your county – we're going to need all the help we can get.
Always keep an 👁️ on this space for more opportunities to meet us at the statehouse.
That's it for Week 11, join us again next Wednesday for The Report Card, and please forward this to a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who wants to get the latest on the Blueprint in their inbox.
For the Future, Strong Schools Maryland