The Report Card • Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Welcome to Week 9 of The Report Card, Strong Schools Maryland’s 2023 Session Newsletter.
The Progress Reports on Blueprint Reporting have been out for a week, and with the Local Implementation Plans due next week from every county, we want you (and your lawmakers) to be certain to see where your county needs improvement.
Read them here, and tell your lawmakers to read them by going here.
This week, we're putting the legislative minute legisaltor spotlight on Senators Jill P. Carter and Sarah Elfreth
Senator Sarah Elfreth (Dist. 30), a strong supporter of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future from her first term in Annapolis, took office in 2019. Sen. Elfreth is a member of the Education, Business & Administration subcommittee of the Senate's Budget and Taxation Committee. Her district is in Anne Arundel County.
Senator Jill P. Carter (Dist. 41) has been an education all-star since her days in the House of Delegates (since 2003) and has been a tireless advocate for her constituents since before her time in elected office, earning her the nickname "The People's Champion." Senator Carter represents Northwest Baltimore City.
✅ This week, Strong Schools Maryland will be providing testimony supporting Delegate Sheila Ruth's HB 1114, which will chip away at the school-to-prison pipeline. HB 1114 will have its hearing today, March 8th, at 1:00pm/
❌ We'll also be providing testimony opposing Delegates April Miller and Kathy Szeliga's HB 1202 which would force schools to post all of their curriculum and force all teachers to post their lesson plans and instructional materials. Further, it would force schools to allow parents to strike all or portions of the lesson plan if they objected in any way. HB 1202 will have its hearing today, March 8th, at 1:00pm
✅ Finally (for this week) also be providing written testimony for Delegate Dalya Attar's HB 375, which will create a training program to train coaches in providing mental health first aid to students who participate in athletic programs in public schools. HB 375 will have it's hearing tomorrow, March 9th, at 1:00pm
⏰ Next week, we'll be providing testimony against SB 522 (the crossfile of HB 740), HB 739, and HB 1224. We'll be providing testimony in support of SB 811, and HB 707. All of these bills will be heard on Tuesday, March 14th at 1:00pm
📅 Drop-In Opportunities
MAR 13 @ 10AM and 4PM: Hop on zoom with our Local Organizer, Maya, to prepare testimony for upcoming bill hearings. She'll provide guidance and talking points for Team Leaders and Team Members who want to testify in front of the General Assembly. RSVP
🥳 Upcoming Events
Outcome Measures Workshop – Workshop and provide feedback on outcomes and measurement of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. RSVP as soon as possible on Eventbrite. Here are the dates of each workshop and what they will focus on:
If you can't make it to the workshops or just have a lot to say on how the Blueprint is measured, you can also provide feedback here:
🪧 Start or Join a Team of 10
In 2020, people like you stood up, spoke out, and passed the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.
In 2023, we want you to help us make sure that Maryland lawmakers #KeepThePromise of World Class Schools: Sign up here to start or join a Team of 10 in your county – we're going to need all the help we can get.
Always keep an 👁️ on this space for more opportunities to meet us at the statehouse.
That's it for Week 9, join us again next Wednesday for The Report Card, and please forward this to a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who wants to get the latest on the Blueprint in their inbox.
For the Future, Strong Schools Maryland